Happy fasting everyone!

Assalamualaikum and happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak everyone. It’s been awhile I don’t put any new entry on my blog. I’ve been busy reading those books. I spent my day and night reading my favourite books. Other than Biology, Chemistry and Physics for sure. Haha. Yeah you know I love reading. It gives me such an inspiration. I’m pretty sure everyone loves to read, right? Perhaps reading magazine or comics. Or even reading blogs. But now I don’t want to talk about reading, instead I’m going to talk about fasting.

How lovely Ramadhan has come. The holiest month of the year. We’ve been waiting for Ramadhan all the time. Somehow Ramadhan looks like a month of exhausting and unbelievably torturous. As we can see, sometimes we just know to complain all day and can’t even wait until the sun finally sets. However, we must come to realize that Ramadhan is something that is beyond food and water.

Ramadhan is not about starvation. We still do our routine and get through our daily life normally even though we are fasting. We just refrain from food, drink, and something like provocative behaviours such as cursing, backbitting, etc. Actually, in Ramadhan, we fast more than food and water. We are also fasting from anger, sadness, rudeness and frustration. Indeed, you can’t control your emotions but you can control the way you react to your situations. This is what Ramadhan trains us to do. Fasting is not just a disconnection between the human body and food. It’s about building a connection between you and Allah SWT. Between you and your spirit. You are preventing your mind from becoming a slave to your physical body and its desires, that’s powerful!

As we all know that fasting is really good for our health. Alternate-day fasting may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, lower diabetes, protect against some effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and improve cognitive function. It’s amazing, right? Islam is such a pretty and perfect religion for us. Allahuakbar!

We wake up for sahoor, go to bazaar, iftar jamaie and go for terawikh at night. We recite Al-Quran, we improve our sunah deeds. We will definitely be missing Ramadhan.

However, something just made me sad. It was about some of us. Why must Muslims demand ‘respect’ during Ramadan? Although we are fasting, doesn’t mean we have to close school canteen, right? Although we are fasting, doesn’t mean our non-muslim friends should eating in the toilet? Come on guys. We are Malaysian, we live in a peacefully multiracial country, Malaysia. Things like this shouldn’t be matter actually. So please. Stop this nonsense.

Ramadhan is the month for us to change. Don’t mock those who start praying, wearing hijab, etc in Ramadhan. This might be their turning point just like you had yours.

Happy fasting everyone.

P/S: Thank you for the 30K hits! Keep visiting my blog okay?

Chillax, Cahaya Sakinah.

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